French Formal Antique Furniture
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Item No. 1081
French, Regence period table de milieu
In solid, carved oak with original rouge griotte marble top; intricate foliate rinceaux carving on all sides; pierced apron centered by a large shell; the whole above four cabriole legs connected by entretoise (stretcher) decorated with acanthus leaves and centered with a sunflower (the symbol of Louis XIV, "The Sun King").
From L'ile de France, circa 1725.
Item No. 1077
Very fine, Empire period chandelier
In gilt bronze and patinated bronze, elaborately chased with ten arms, ornamented with winged angels crowned with laurel leaves, acanthus leaf corona, pinecone finial, and five chains adorned with acanthus leaves and grapes. Circa 1810.
Item No. 1069
Exceptional, Louis XV style marble fireplace surround
Sculpted in Sarrancolin marble, which was called "The Marble of Kings" because it was extracted from royal quarries beginning in 1692 under the reign of Louis XIV.
Of arbalette form with concave sides having elaborately beveled mantle and original cast iron interior and hearth. Circa 1830-1840.
72" wide by 46" high by 18½" deep
Item No. 1053
Unusual, French vitrine table
In solid, carved beechwood, crème painted and parcel-gilded; having a display surface beneath hinged glass top. 19th century.
French Formal Antique Furniture - page nine of fifteen