Antique Walnut Furniture
Page three of eight
Item No. 926
Set of Eight French, Art Nouveau period tall-back dining chairs
In solid, carved walnut in the manner of Louis Majorelle with carved floral crest, V-shaped upholstered backsplat, and seat in red leather with brass tacks. Shaped legs with conforming floral decoration. Circa 1900.
40½" tall (at back) by 18" wide
Item No. 441
Louis XV-XVI Transition period vitrine
In solid, carved walnut with carved flora and fauna motifs representative of the Louis XV form and musical instruments characteristic of the Louis XVI form. 18th century.
Item No. 793
French, Louis XV period armoire
In solid, carved walnut with double domed cornice. Mid-18th century fron Lyon.
94" high by 62" wide by 26" deep
Item No. 452
Pair of Louis XIV style fauteuils
In solid walnut with the "Les os de mouton" (sheep's horn) stretchers characteristic of Louis XIV furniture. One of these identical chairs was carved in the 17th century while the other was added in the 19th century to complete the pair ("fausse paire").
Item No. 781
Italian, Louis XV period, inlaid secretary
In walnut and fruitwood with slant-front stand in two parts, the upper part with arched molded cornice above a pair of cupboard doors; the slant front enclosing a fitted interior above a frieze drawer, raised on cabriole legs; inlaid to form foliate scrolls and flowerheads. From Piedmont. Mid-18th century.
87" tall by 52½" wide by 26" deep
Antique Walnut Furniture - page three of eight