French Antique Furniture
Page eight of twenty
Item No. 793
French, Louis XV period armoire
In solid, carved walnut with double domed cornice. Mid-18th century fron Lyon.
94" high by 62" wide by 26" deep
Item No. 452
Pair of Louis XIV style fauteuils
In solid walnut with the "Les os de mouton" (sheep's horn) stretchers characteristic of Louis XIV furniture. One of these identical chairs was carved in the 17th century while the other was added in the 19th century to complete the pair ("fausse paire").
Item No. 766
Very fine, French, Regence period armoire
In solid, carved cherry. From Rennes, Brittany. Signed "FAIT PAR IEAN BAPTIS DEPOUEZ AN 1721" ("Made by Iean Baptis Depousez in the year 1791")
98" high by 56" wide by 25" deep
Item No. 757
Parisian, Louis XV period table a jeu
In kingwood, ebony, and ivory veneers with cabriole legs terminating in gilt-bronze sabot feet. Opens to reveal a green felt poker surface. Mid-18th century.
closed: 25¼" wide by 22" deep by 28" high - when opened, poker surface is 25¼" wide by 44" deep
Item No. 776
French, Nimoise, Regence period armoire
In solid, carved walnut. Shown here with chicken-wire. Early 18th century.
89" high by 53" wide (body) 62" wide (cornice) by 25" deep (body) 28" deep (cornice)
Item No. 775
French, Louis XV style, bronze mounted tric-trac table
In mahogany with mahogany, pearwood, and ebony veneers. Top chess/checkers surface reverses to reveal leather writing surface. Inside reveals inlaid backgammon surface. With drawers at each side to hold gaming pieces. Late 18th or early 19th century.
Item No. 774
Set of four Consulat style chaises
Crème painted and parcel gilded with Greek key motif. 19th century.
18" wide by 18" deep by 17" high (at seat) and 33" high (at back)
Item No. 282
Fine, French, Empire commode
In blond mahogany with dark grey granite top and all original hardware. Early 19th century.
52" wide by 36" high by 24" deep
French Antique Furniture - page eight of twenty