serpentineFurniture form characterized by a undulating, central, convex (protruding) surface with concave ends. Reverse serpentine forms exhibit a concave center portion and convex edges. (See also arbalette.)
Antiques From Our GalleryDisplaying up to 20 items per page  | Item No. 1185 Exceptional, Venetian, Rococo period, Lacca Povera commode scriban
The rectangular top above the slant-front, opening to a writing surface with a central pigeonhole flanked by four short drawers, above the serpentine-fronted body with two long drawers, the paneled sides, raised on cabriole legs.
Lacca Povera (also known as "Lacca Contrafatta") was a form of art originating in Venice incorporating decoupage (the cutting out of figural or natural forms), which are adhered to a solid surface, painted and hand-engraved, and then covered with a layer of layer of lacquer.
Mid-18th century.
50" wide by 43" high by 22¾" deep |
 | Item No. 851 Fine, French, Louis XV period, giltwood chaise longue
The padded backrest with serpentine top rail continuing to padded wings, the shaped rails raised on cabriole legs; the whole carved with foliate scrolls, shell motifs and seed pods. Mid-18th century.
37½" high by 33½" wide by 76" long |
 | Item No. 843 Fine, French, Regence period, carved giltwood console
With veined pink marble serpentine-fronted top above a shell and foliate frieze on crosshatched and diagonal reeded ground, raised on foliate-carved double scroll cabriole legs terminating in "pied de sabots." Circa 1725.
30¼" high by 31½" wide by 17" deep |