fauteuilAn upholstered armchair with open sides.
Antiques From Our GalleryDisplaying up to 20 items per page  | Item No. 1147 Pair of exceptional Louis XVI period fauteuils
In solid carved mahogany with giltwood accents, the front aprons inspired by the designs of Georges Jacob, the armrests adorned with mufles de lion (lion masks) in the manner of Jacob Frères (Georges Jacob's sons), and having unusual tapered and sprial-fluted back sabre legs.
Late 18th century.
36½" high by 23½" wide |
 | Item No. 1150 Pair of French, Louis XV period fauteuils
In solid, carved and patinated beechwood. Circa 1752.
Michel Gourdin was recognized as a master ébéniste in 1752. Other works by Gourdin are represented in The Met, the Louvre, the Bouvier Collection in the Musée Carnavalet, Paris; the Wallace Collection, London; Windsor Castle; and the collection of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wrightsman, New York.
36½" high by 25" wide |
 | Item No. 922 Pair of very fine Neoclassical period fauteuils of large dimension
In solid, carved giltwood. Circa 1780. Stamped "P H Poire JME" (Philippe Poirié, who was named Maître Ébéniste in 1765).
Poirié produced seating in the Louis XV and Louis XVI styles. While his Louis XV items were considered ordinary, his Louis XVI production was considered brilliant. His works are displayed in the Musee du Louvre, Musee de Beauvais, and Musee de Cognac-Jay.
40" high by 27½" wide by 22½" deep |
 | Item No. 862 Set of six fine, French, Regence style, carved giltwood fauteuils
Each with foliate carved, channelled frame and carved, giltwood entertrotoise (stretchers). Legs terminating in pied de sabots. Each chair applied with a paper label to the underside:
CALIFORNIA PALACE FOR THE LEGION OF HONOR, 21, LINCOLN PARK, SAN FRANCISCO/1958.54/armchair, wood carved, gesso and gilt; upholstered in silk and wool petit-point embroidery/France, style of about 1710/Lent by the W.H. Crocker Estate and with a stencilled label GUERDE/doreur encadreur/45 rue de Bourgogne 45/Paris/meubles batiment a cadres dor/aes Noir met imitation d'…./eatt/aemiation et oxidisation de 10r.
One of six matching chairs shown. 19th century.
Provenance: W.H. Crocker - Accessioned by the California Palace for the Legion of Honor in 1958
 | Item No. 452 Pair of Louis XIV style fauteuils
In solid walnut with the "Les os de mouton" (sheep's horn) stretchers characteristic of Louis XIV furniture. One of these identical chairs was carved in the 17th century while the other was added in the 19th century to complete the pair ("fausse paire").