commodeA low chest of drawers, usually with short legs, intended to be set against a wall.
Antiques From Our GalleryDisplaying up to 20 items per page  | Item No. 1205 French, Louis XVI period, demi-lune, bronze-mounted commode
In solid Cuban mahogany and Cuban mahogany veneer having two central drawers flanked by side compartments; the whole resting upon four tapered and fluted legs. With original white marble top. Circa 1780.
Signed: N. Petit
44" wide by 34" high by 19" deep |
 | Item No. 1197 French Regence period commode scriban
In solid walnut and walnut veneer adorned with bronze d'ore mounts; the whole resting upon four cabriole legs with bronze d'ore sabots.
Circa 1730.
37½" high by 34¾" widey by 19½" (closed) |
 | Item No. 1185 Exceptional, Venetian, Rococo period, Lacca Povera commode scriban
The rectangular top above the slant-front, opening to a writing surface with a central pigeonhole flanked by four short drawers, above the serpentine-fronted body with two long drawers, the paneled sides, raised on cabriole legs.
Lacca Povera (also known as "Lacca Contrafatta") was a form of art originating in Venice incorporating decoupage (the cutting out of figural or natural forms), which are adhered to a solid surface, painted and hand-engraved, and then covered with a layer of layer of lacquer.
Mid-18th century.
50" wide by 43" high by 22¾" deep |
 | Item No. 1179 Exceptional French, Louis XV period commode a portes
Of galbe form on three sides, the whole comprised of Brazilian rosewood and other exotic, marquetry inlayed woods. Having original veined marble, bronze d'ore mounts, locks, and keys. 18th century.
Attributed to ébéniste du roi (royal cabinet maker) Gilles Joubert (1689 - 1775).
 | Item No. 1101 French, Louis XV period, floral marquetry inlaid commode
Of bombé form with unusual three-drawer construction, inlaid in floral marquetry, the whole resting upon four cabriole legs terminating in bronze sabot feet. Mid-18th century.
Signed "N.PETIT" (Nicolas Petit, Master in 1761 was a great Parisian cabinetmaker. Established rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine under the sign "In the Name of Jesus", in his 30 years as a master he established a lasting reputation. His career began with very refined dressers of bombé form in the Louis XV style, secretaries, desks, small tables, many finely decorated with blooming branches.)
49" wide by 22¼" deep by 35" high |
 | Item No. 1065 Exceptional, French, Neoclassical period commode
Of demi-lune form having acajou moucheté (plum pudding mahogany) veneers and original hand-beveled marble top; having three central drawers, each one framed with bronze ornament and two functioning side compartments with hinged doors. Circa 1780.
Stamped F. REIZELL twice to top and G. KEMP once to top.
François Reizell was a German ébéniste who established his workshop on the faubourg Saint-Antoine. In 1770 he moved to the rue des Saints-Pères. His principal client was the prince de Condé for whom he supplied pieces at the Palais Bourbon and for the country houses at Chantilly and Villegenis.
Guillaume Kemp, maître in 1764.
35" high by 58" wide by 25½" deep |
 | Item No. 282 Fine, French, Empire commode
In blond mahogany with dark grey granite top and all original hardware. Early 19th century.
52" wide by 36" high by 24" deep |