buffet deux corpsA two-tiered buffet with the top cabinet being shallowing than the bottom cabinet. The doors on the top panel can have wood or glass panels.
Antiques From Our GalleryDisplaying up to 20 items per page  | Item No. 1168 French Louis XIII period Deux Corps
In solid, carved walnut, having four elaborately sculpted doors, each one with an allegorical figure centered within a floral medallion representing the four seasons, also having a central drawer with embracing cherubs flanked by winged putti.
The whole vigorously carved with foliate rinceaux design, vegetation and birds and resting on bun feet. Circa 1610-1630.
82½" high by 56½" wide by 26½" deep |
 | Item No. 839 Very fine, French Regence style buffet a deux corps
In solid, carved oak with a Bacchic mask centered over a molded, arched cornice and a pair of paneled doors carved with shells and delicate, scrolling foliage. 19th century.
103½" high by 58" wide by 25" deep |
 | Item No. 592 French, Louis XVI period, Provençal buffet de chasse
In solid, carved walnut with gray marble top having fluted, chamfered corners and pierced bottom apron comprised of garlands, ribbons, and bows. Late 18th century.
66" wide by 28½" deep by 39" high |
 | Item No. 338 Louis XV period buffet
18th century Provençal buffet in solid cherry.
53" wide by 25" deep by 39" high |
 | Item No. 321 French, Louis XV buffet deux corps
In carved walnut from Provence having two drawers above two cabinet doors, a pull-out work table or cutting board, "chapeaux de gendarme" upper cabinet doors, and original pierced hardware. Mid-18th century.
61" wide by 24" deep - bottom half is 42½" high, top half is 55" high, entire piece is 97½" high |
 | Item No. 12 French Provincial, Louis XV buffet
Solid walnut and elm burl, pierced key plates, three small drawers, two cabinets. Circa 1780's.
57½" wide by 24" deep by 41½" high |